Helping Families Move to Houston’s High Opportunity Neighborhoods

Mobility Service Plan

HHA is committed to implementing administrative policies across its programs to increase access to opportunity areas. In addition to the services detailed above, HHA will implement the following policies:

Ensuring adequate payment standards in opportunity areas:

  • In 2021, HHA received HUD approval to implement SAFMRs (Small Area Fair Market Rent) citywide. In its 2024 Annual Plan, HHA proposes to establish payment standards between 80-150% SAFMR (compared to the current 90%-110%) to expand housing options in higher opportunity areas.
    • These new payment standards are provided through a tiered system that provides higher payment standards for units in high-opportunity areas to promote moves to these areas.
    • The payment standards are broken up by zip code, with the highest opportunity zip codes eligible for payment standards at up to 150% FMR, subject to available funding.
    • Finally, HHA permits non-resident applicant portability pursuant to 24 CFR 982.353(c).
    • HHA will continue to ensure that adequate payment standards are utilized in opportunity areas in order to increase housing choice in those areas.


Voucher search term:

HHA currently provides an initial voucher search term of 120 days for all voucher participants. Participants may request an extension for up to 30 additional days. Additional extensions beyond 150 days may be considered as a reasonable accommodation or for other extenuating circumstances, as evaluated by HHA.

Non-Resident Applicant Portability:

HHA will update its Administrative Plan to adopt a policy allowing non-resident applicants participating in the Housing Mobility Services program to exercise portability immediately, rather than requiring them to lease in HHA’s jurisdiction for a 12-month period.
